🏮2/7 ~ 2/16 元宵佳節,團圓時刻,限時優惠甜蜜共享🏮

團購資訊 Join Our Group Sale

團購資訊 Join Our Group Sale

心田團購群由一群志同道合的義工團隊組成,約每兩個月免費送貨一次。目前有以下團購群: 紐澤西(Parsippany, Princeton, Nutley etc.)、麻州(Burlington, Newton)、康州 (Stamford)、維吉尼亞。有意加入者,請email我們,或致電到心田了解細節。


Heartland group sale is organized by volunteers, and is usually making deliveries every two month.  Currently our group sales are in the following locations: NJ (Parsippany, Princeton, Nutley etc.), MA (Burlington, Newton), CT (Stamford) and VA. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact us by email: heartland.ny@hotmail.com or call: (718)445-2962 to learn more info. 

By participating in group sale, you will meet new friends who share the same interests in clean, sustainable vegetarien food.  Also, you can save shipping cost and gas money.  Most importanly, you can help reduce carbon footprint for the mother earth!